Thursday, December 30, 2010

Rizal, Bonifacio and the ‘masa’ myth -, Philippine News for Filipinos

Rizal, Bonifacio and the ‘masa’ myth -, Philippine News for Filipinos

'It is a dangerous myth that rabble-rousers and totalitarians cultivate since it easy to claim that one speaks for the faceless masses—as New People’s Army spokesmen always do. The Masses are Messiah? It was the masses that asked for Jesus’ head on that fateful day.'

Justice -, Philippine News for Filipinos

Justice -, Philippine News for Filipinos

'... the point is not just to release all those who ought to be released, it is to jail all those who ought to be jailed. It is not just to reward the innocent, it is to punish the guilty. Then and now, there has only been one key to lasting peace.'